Native iOS Game Integration Guide
This doc introduces the integration steps for native iOS games.
Refer to our demo for some references
Download Necessary Depedencies
Use the shell script from our Demo Repo
-- Debug
-- Release
It will download all the required dependencies for CelerGameSDK
Project setup for compiling
Embed everything from the dependencies folder
toDo not embed
Disable bitcode(Due to one of the embeded library, might change in the future)
Add Your Resource Bundle(Optional, but will speed up your launch process)
Add Your GoogleService-Info.plist(Push Notification)
Register your BundleId with our portal
Add necessary permissions
Necessary Assets grphicAssetsIntegration.pdf
Push Certificates
Integrate with our sdk
Import Framework
Init SDK
-- Try not to call this function at app's start or start of your first view, do this when you have passed your initial loading screen, and preferably being trigger by user action, delay one runloop if you'll have to present sdk UI at launch
Register Celer Game SDK Life Cycle
This callback provides a double type seed in order to generate a random level fair to the players, seed will range from 0 ~ 1
This callback provides necessary infomation about the match in a json package, display info as fit
For Objective C, gameObject will be a dictionary formatted as below:
Start your game here
Do some clean up work
CelerGameSdk method
call this function when game level has finished loading
hide CelerGameSDK UI
show CelerGameSDK UI
submit Score
To run this demo, run download script in the root directory
An universal framework that supports simulator and devices will be provided, it will run on a debug environment
A release framework only supports devices will be provided for appstore, it will run on release configuration
For a pure OC project target before ios 12.2, please enable
Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries
settings []Minimuim sdk requirement is iOS 11
Last updated